393 Marshall is where the Boy Scouts headquarters currently is. The applicant is interested in purchasing the property, demolishing the current structure, and building housing on the lot.
At this time, they have only applied to rezone the lot at 393 Marshall from OS (office) to T2 (residential). If the property is rezoned, they will begin to develop their site plans.
Their application was filed in early November, and notice was sent to neighbors close to the property. They met with SUPC at our November 14 Neighborhood Development Committee meeting, and SUPC officially voted to oppose the application. The basis for this decision was that we felt there was not enough contact or conversation with neighbors leading up to this major change, and opposed moving forward without community discussion. SUPC sent a formal letter to the City explaining this decision and concern.
Their Saint Paul Zoning Committee hearing was on November 21, where they voted to support the rezoning application. Their next steps will be:
January 17 Saint Paul City Council public hearing- 3 pm at Saint Paul City Hall, 15 Kellogg Blvd. W.
If you have any comments or concerns you are able to participate by writing our Ward 1 City Council Office:
[email protected] or 310-A City Hall 15 Kellogg Blvd. West Saint Paul, MN 55102