A Snow Emergency for Saint Paul is now in effect.A Snow Emergency for Saint Paul is now in effect.
Beginning at 9 p.m. tonight, Thursday, 12/15/2022, all NIGHT PLOW ROUTES will be plowed. Do not park on Night Plow Routes, which include downtown and all streets with signs posted "NIGHT PLOW ROUTE" and "NIGHT PLOW ROUTE THIS SIDE OF STREET." Vehicles which are not moved from Night Plow Routes by 9 p.m. at 12/15/2022, will be ticketed and towed. Beginning at 8 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, 12/16/2022, all DAY PLOW ROUTES will be plowed. Do not park on Day Plow Routes. Day Plow Routes are not marked by signs. If there are no “Night Plow" signs posted within the block, then consider it a Day Plow Route. Vehicles which are not moved from Day Plow Routes by 8 a.m. at 12/16/2022, will be ticketed and towed. Always follow all posted street signs. Do not park vehicles where signs indicate "No Parking." A Snow Emergency lasts 96 hours, or until December 19, 2022 at 9 p.m. To avoid a ticket or tow, do not park in areas where streets are not plowed to the curb. ---------------------------------------- EMERGENCIA POR NEVADA DECLARADA en St. Paul 12/15/2022 Rutas nocturnas de nieve comienza a 9 p.m. y rutas de dia 12/16/2022 a 8 a.m. stpaul.gov/snow DEGDEGGA BARAFKA QABOOBAHA St. Paul 12/15/2022. Xaaqidda jidka 9 p.m. Xaaqidda jidka maalintii 8 a.m. 12/16/2022. stpaul.gov/snow LOS XASNAUS KAMCEEV hauv St Paul rau 12/15/2022. Kaus yav tsausntuj pib 9 teev. Yav nruabhnub pib 8 teev 12/16/2022. stpaul.gov/snow --------------------------------------- WINTER REMINDERS • Shovel your sidewalk. Saint Paul City Ordinance requires snow and ice to be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours. Corner property owners should shovel curbs, walkways and crosswalks to the street. • Do not push snow out into the streets. • Do not place recycling and garbage carts in the street. Carts should be kept in the boulevard or at the end of the driveway. • If you are able, please shovel hydrants out and clear snow and ice off storm drains to prevent street flooding. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS • Get updates about our current snow operations at stpaul.gov/snow. • Learn where and when people can park their vehicles using Saint Paul’s NEW Snow Emergency Parking Map at stpaul.gov/snowemergencyparkingmap • Visit stpaul.gov/snowFAQs for a list of snow-related frequently asked questions.
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