What do you love about the Summit-University District? The Historic Rondo Neighborhood! How have you been involved in your community in the past? For 30 years, Rondo CLT has successfully developed affordable housing for modest-income households in St. Paul, Minnesota. As part of its vision, Rondo CLT has remained dedicated to addressing priorities as set by the community and exploring innovative development methods. The current economic environment coupled with a holistic approach towards neighborhood stabilization has led Rondo CLT to develop new projects that emphasize flexibility and collaboration. These projects range from economic development to neighborhood beautification but woven throughout each initiative is Rondo’s commitment to improving the quality of life of community members for which the organization serves. Rondo Community Land Trust (CLT) is a community based affordable housing and commercial land trust operating in St. Paul and Suburban Ramsey County. Most recently, Rondo CLT became the first commercial land trust in Minnesota. Based on the success of the land trust model in homeownership, Rondo CLT developed a land trust model for affordable commercial space. The project was conceptualized as an anti-gentrification measure for local area businesses in an effort to retain and stabilize small businesses on the Selby Avenue Commercial Corridor.
Please tell us about why you are running to join the SUPC Board: As a member of the community located in and serving the Summit-University District in Saint Paul, we want to collaborate to lift up the voice of the community.
Urban Farm & Garden Alliance (UFGA)
What do you love about the Summit-University District? The community, the people, and the self-determination spirit!!!
How have you been involved in your community in the past? The Urban Farm and Garden Alliance (UFGA) is a Collaboration of 6 Community Gardens and a group of Backyard Box Gardeners in the Rondo and Frogtown Neighborhoods of St. Paul. By growing and sharing food, the UFGA honors the earth and one another and helps to grow vibrant, healthy community grounded in racial and environmental justice. https://urbanfarmandgardenalliance.org
Please tell us about why you are running to join the SUPC Board: In order to represent an urban ag and environmemtal justice perspective on the Council.
The Ramsey Hill Association
What do you love about the Summit-University District? RHA and its members love the rich history and diversity of the Summit University District and are dedicated to seeing preserved and thrive for future generations.
How have you been involved in your community in the past? Ramsey Hill Association is a membership organization with a mission of creating a healthy, safe, and connected neighborhood. The RHA began in the early seventies when a group of dedicated leaders organized the association to help rebuild and strengthen the neighborhood; they did this by bringing people together to discuss improvements, including housing, parks, and safety. Fast forward fifty years and we continue with the same intentions. We have a lively social calendar filled with both small and large events. Meaningful relationships have been established with local officials to keep our neighborhoods alert, connected, and safe. The RHA also supports local community organizations through our Grant Partnership Program.
Please tell us about why you are running to join the SUPC Board: RHA is dedicated to ensuring that the Ramsey Hill neighborhood has well established relationships with the broader community and a voice with City of Saint Paul. We believe that a active engagement across our neighborhoods, communities and City officials is best way to preserve our rich history, empower our residents and ensure the necessary services our community needs are delivered.