The Minnesota Cold Weather Rule will go into effect on October 15, 2019.
In order to be protected under this rule, residents would have to contact their utility company to apply. This protection keeps qualified residents from having their natural gas services disconnected if they are having difficulty paying their bills. The Cold Weather Rule runs from October 15th to April 15th. Spread the word around the community and let people know that they can prepare if they need protection!…/Publi…/UtilityDisconnection.asp
St Paul - City Council Ward 1 Candidate Forum
Please join League of Women Voters St Paul in partnership with the Hallie Q Brown Center for a candidate forum for Ward 1. League of Women Voters St Paul candidate forums free and open to the public. Questions for candidates can be submitted online in advance, or in person at the forum. Cards will be provided for questions. Questions or inquiries can be sent to [email protected]. When Thursday, October 17, 2019 7 PM - 8:30 PM Where Hallie Q Brown Center 270 N Kent St St Paul, MN 55102 Election Day is November 5 — and we want to be sure you’re ready! As a reminder, we have city council and school board races this year, and for the council races, we use Ranked Choice Voting. Adopted by voters in 2009 and used for the first time in 2011, RCV is not new, but with new voters in the neighborhood, we want to be sure everyone knows about it and is prepared to rank their ballots come to Election Day!
RCV is a simple change to the ballot that lets voters rank their preferences on the ballot, 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, etc. You can rank up to six candidates in any race. RCV eliminated the low-turnout, unrepresentative August primary, so voters need to turn out for just a single election in November. The rankings are used to ensure winning candidates receive support from the broadest swatch of voters possible. RCV allows you to identify backup choices in case your #1 candidate doesn’t gather enough support to make it past the initial rounds of counting. That means choosing your favorite – plus two, three or additional other candidates you could live with – and marking them in order of preference on your ballot. Identifying backup choices isn’t mandatory, but it’s smart. Ranking your ballot 1-2-3 gives you more choice and gives your ballot more power. Each ballot will have three columns, with 6 available rankings. Simply mark the ballot left to right, indicating your first choice in the first column, your second choice in the next column, and your third choice in the column, up to six choices. “Bullet voting,” marking just one choice or marking the same candidate in all three columns, is identical to only picking a first choice. It’s just like voting in the primary, but sitting out the general election if your first choice doesn’t win. Fully ranking your ballot in the multi-candidate races means that if your favorite candidate doesn’t gather enough support in early rounds of counting and is eliminated, your vote will transfer to your next choice and you’ll continue to be part of the decision-making process. To learn more about who’s on the ballot and how RCV works, visit and Early voting started Oct. 29 so you can vote at Ramsey County before Nov. 5. See the location here. Download your sample ballot and practice before you vote! Happy Election Day, and remember to rank your ballot on Nov. 5! Thanks for all you do to make our neighborhood, and our city, stronger. Tuesday, October 15
6 PM – 8 PM St. Paul City Middle School 643 Virginia St Every St Paul resident should have the right to live where they work and work where they live. It is the best set-up for our people and the planet to continue life that will nourish healthy pathways for future generations. However, this is not the world that we currently live in. Join us at the Ward 1 City Council Candidate Forum as we center the concept of home and the role that the Ward 1 City Council Member can play in moving us towards the world that should be - one where people can grow roots in communities so that they can feel the impact of their labor and contribution and investment into community. Confirmed Ward 1 Candidates: - Anika Bowie - - Liz De La Torre - - Abu Nayeem - - Council Member Dai Thao - Food and childcare will be provided. Bring your housing questions to ask candidates! Email Tram at [email protected] if you have any questions. |
about usThe Porchlite is a monthly newsletter and blog that is developed by the SUPC Communications Committee. Archives
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